International Symposium on Quality of Life Technology
Intelligent Systems for Better Living
June 30-July 1, 2009
University Club at Oakland
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Well-Known Keynote and Invited Speakers (see list below)
Objective : Technologies to support quality of life and to maintain social and productive activities of every person are most demanded for the sustainability of the society. Focusing technology on various applications of robot services and intelligent sensing systems to prepare for demographic change and support quality of life is timely and of interest for scientists, engineers and society.
In this conference, the leading researchers in the fields will exchange their scopes, activities and most recent developments and open discussion to the participants.
List of Invited Speakers (Confirmed)
Henrik Christensen, Georgia Institute of Technology
Rory Cooper, University of Pittsburgh
Margaret Giannini, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Alan Jette, Boston University
Takeo Kanade, Carnegie Mellon
Alex Pentland, MIT
Neil Resnick, University of Pittsburgh
Isao Shimoyama, University of Tokyo
- Components, Technology, Design and Engineering for QoLT: Sensors, Visual Interpretation, Participatory Design of Technology for Older People with Disabilities, Lead User Design of QoLT, Assessment of Impact of Technology on Quality of Life, Persuasive Engineering Technologies.
- Robotics: Human Assistance Robots, Intelligent and Robotic Mobility Systems, Telerobotics, Manipulation.
- Rehabilitation Engineering: Prosthetics, Computer Access, Mobility, Augmented Communication.
- Human System Interaction: Modalities of Interaction, Coaching, Personal Agency, User Centered Design.
- Applications: Fall Prevention, Driving Assistance.
General Chair: Cliff Brubaker
Program Chairs: Rory Cooper and Asim Smailagic
Paper and Poster Submissions
Due date for submissions: March 1, 2009
Submission site:
Intended Audience
* Scientists in research institutions
* Engineers in industries
* Clinicians and practitioners in health care
* Graduate students
* Professionals interested in the service technologies and applications of human daily activities Sessions
* Eight plenary sessions with invited and regular papers
* Three poster sessions
* Exhibition
* Panel on Future Challenges in Quality of Life Technologies
* Banquet Speaker
In addition to the conference proceedings, we expect that all accepted papers will appear in a book within the Assistive Technology Research Series published by the Institute of Science.
Associate Professor, Bioengineering, University of Illinois at Chicago
Director, Robotics lab & Associate Director,
Center for Rehab Robotics,
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (RIC)
Adjunct Professor, Physical Med, Mechanical & Biomedical Engin, Northwestern University
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